Dry Cleaners are our specialty. As a matter fact, our first client back in 2006 was a dry cleaner.
Dry cleaners are a unique type of family business that face challenges the few other small business encounter. As a result of the use of the highly regulated chlorinated solvent, Perchloroethylene (“PCE”), no other small business in America faces the kinds of environmental liability that challenge both dry cleaner owners and/or property owners with older dry cleaners.

Dry Cleaner Liability Quick Facts:
- Studies by the U.S. EPA the State Coalition for Remediation of Dry Cleaners (SCRD) and others have estimated that 75% of the dry cleaners that are currently operating have contamination.
- As a firm specializing in dry cleaners, we have found that over 90% of the dry cleaners that have operated for at the same location for more than 30 years have a sizable environmental problem.
- A 2002 Florida study found that dry cleaner contamination had migrated off-site at 57% of the contaminated sites but in our experience over the past 15 years Genesis has found that to be low. Our experience has shown that PCE vapors have migrated offsite over 90% in over 90% of our cases;
- Lawrence Livermore National Lab studied dry cleaners and found that the median dry cleaner plume length was approximately 1600 ft while the U.S. EPA reported that 90% of contaminated dry cleaners have a PCE plume length of 2,585 feet and that 89% of dry cleaner plumes exceeded 100 feet.
- The U.S. EPA reports the average dry cleaner cleanup is between $400K to $500K but can range up to $3MM. Because of the more stringent regulations in California, Genesis has found that the average dry cleaner cleanup cost ranges from $500K to $2MM.
Why Hire Genesis?
- We Specialize in cleaning up Dry Cleaners! When released into the ground, chlorinated solvents are an expensive and complex class of pollutants. As a matter of fact, the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) will not work with consultants without extensive experience dealing with chlorinated solvents. Genesis are Chlorinated solvent EXPERTS!
- Most of our dry cleaner clients get FREE environmental and legal services-even though their initial liability ranged from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars in environmental cleanup costs. Yes, you read that correctly. Qualified dry cleaner operators and property owner pay ZERO for our services. Over the past 15 years, over 90% of our client have not had to pay a single dollar for our services. Completely FREE!