It is Genesis Engineering & Redevelopment’s (GE&R) goal to provide you with a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that is prepared by certified consultants with national experience in storm water consulting. Remember any site over 1 acre or part of a common plan of development greater than 1 acre must have a SWPPP.

Our Storm Water Management Services:
Erosion Control, SWPPP & NOI Preparation
GE&R’s certified professionals prepare the necessary documents for compliance with the State’s NPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Municipal, Construction, and Industrial Activity (General Permit). Our engineers and stormwater experts have considerable experience in the preparation of grading and erosion control plans and are well trained in the design and application of municipal, construction, and industrial-level erosion and sediment control BMPs. This allows us to efficiently produce cost-effective Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) and Notices of Intent (NOIs) for submittal to local and state agencies.
BMP Design / LID Concepts
Best Management Practices (BMPs) include a variety of runoff treatment controls to reduce the volume, velocity, and pollutant load of stormwater runoff from a development project site. GE&R utilizes landscape-based BMPs such as swales, bioretention and permeable paving to accomplish these objectives. These and other Low Impact Development (LID) techniques and concepts, which emphasize the capture, detention and infiltration of stormwater on the project site, are featured elements of our Stormwater Control and Management Plans.
In addition to designing runoff treatment controls for development projects, GE&R also designs facilities that provide hydromodification management, in conformance with local NPDES Permit requirements.
Field Observation
In order to function as designed, and in compliance with stormwater management permit conditions approved by the local agency, BMPs must be properly installed and maintained. That’s why the experienced staff at GE&R make regular field visits to their projects during the construction and post-construction phases. Clear communication and consultation with on-site construction supervisors minimizes liability risks for our clients, and ensures that stormwater BMPs perform as designed.
Stormwater Control Plans / Stormwater Management Plans
GE&R prepares Stormwater Control Plans and Stormwater Management Plans in conformance with local jurisdictions’ permit application requirements. The Plans are designed to integrate grading and landscape architecture with land planning, to tailor site design, pollutant source and runoff treatment control concepts to the project. All Stormwater Control and Management Plans include numeric sizing calculations, details, and operation and maintenance programs for selected Best Management Practices.

Municipal Storm Water:
GE&R provides assistance for both Phase I (medium and large municipalities with populations over 100,000 people) and Phase II (small municipalities serving populations less than 100,000 people) storm water permits.
GE&R provides SWPPP development and monitoring services that emphasizes the reduction of discharge pollutants to the Maximum Extent Practical (MEP) as specified in the Clean Water Act. In addition, GE&R’s Storm Water Specialist assist with the evaluation Best Management Practices (BMP) to address regulatory defined program areas including public education and outreach; illicit discharge detection and elimination; construction and post-construction; and good housekeeping for municipal operations. Our BMP evaluation is designed to limit the discharge of pollutants to waterways for full compliance with local, state, and federal requirements.
Construction Storm Water
GE&R provides our clients storm water services to maintain compliance with the newly adopted and effective July 1, 2010 NPDES General Permit Order 2009-0009-DWQ for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Construction Activity. Our services include:
- Preparing and implementing Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans including visual monitoring and chemical monitoring for “non-visible” pollutants when BMPs fail
- Development /implementation of sediment monitoring plan if the site discharges directly to a water body listed on the 303(d) list for sediment
- Conducting storm water sampling and analyses
- Performing site compliance evaluations
- Performing BMP evaluations
- Development of BMP
- Providing recommendations on use of more effective BMPs
Our SWPPPs are tailored to our clients needs.
Industrial Storm Water
GE&R offers storm water services to assist several Industrial Facility clients to maintain compliance with the General Permit Order 97-03-DWQ (General Industrial Permit) for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Industrial Activities. Our services include:
- Preparing SWPPPs
- Conducting storm water sampling and analyses (wet and dry events)
- Performing annual comprehensive site compliance evaluations
- Providing recommendations on use of more effective BMPs
- Preparing Annual Storm Water Reports
On behalf of our Industrial clients, GE&R’s Storm Water Management Team implements and updated the SWPPP as conditions change or when BMPs fail or when effluent constituents exceed permitted levels.