GE&R recognizes that site remediation means many things to many people — removing pollutants from soil or groundwater, addressing leaking underground or aboveground storage tanks, cleaning up active industrial facilities, or restoring abandoned Brownfields for redevelopment. Recognizing that each remediation scenario presents a unique array of technical and regulatory issues, GE&R’s remedial design team is committed to ensure there is an acceptable and cost effective balance whether it be a full scale state-of-the-art remedial system or scaled back pilot test.

Remedial Design:
In an effort to significantly reduce exorbitant remedial costs, GE&R’s draws on the breadth and depth of experience from our geologists, hydrogeologists, and environmental engineers to go beyond traditional “dig and haul” strategies and use innovative approaches such as barrier technologies, chemical oxidation, bioremediation, and phytoremediation to significantly reduce your costs and cut operations and maintenance requirements.
Regulatory requirements, budget concerns, ultimate site disposition, and legal implications are a few of the external factors which also come into play in choosing, evaluating, and designing the appropriate system. When feasible, we are adroit at developing multi-stakeholder strategies that manage materials in place by incorporating a remedy into an appropriate redevelopment scenario.
When standard remedial solutions are not economically feasible or the most cost-effective remedial option, the best option may be no action, otherwise known in the industry as “Natural Attenuation”. Always a hard sell to regulators, employing sound science, the GE&R team is savvy in developing strategies that allow for a formal Site Closure with Natural Attention as the approved remedy.
GE&R offers turn-key remedial programs for the following technologies:

Installation, Operation & Maintenance
In addition to system design, GE&R’s turn-key remedial program includes all activities associated with the installation and operation and maintenance of our remedial systems. Using GE&R’s complete design package, including conceptual design, construction plans and specifications, construction bid packages, and contract documents, we ensure the system is installed and operational.
Once the system is up and running, GE&R staff will perform remediation system optimization to maximize the effective return on the funds invested in remediation. In addition, GE&R performs routine and periodic system evaluations to ensure the system is maintained and working as designed to effectively remove targeted contaminants of concern.