Genesis Engineering & Redevelopment (GE&R) provides both two- and three-dimensional modeling to determine the fate and transport of contaminants released into the soil, groundwater, or rock. We evaluate site- and contaminant-specific characteristics such as groundwater velocities, soil permeability, and chemical solubility to graphically predict contaminant migration and degradation over time. This helps to evaluate the potential impacts to human health and the environment and is the foundation for cost-savings and risk-based corrective actions.
Significant economic benefits have resulted from our modeling efforts. By mathematically demonstrating no impact to human health and the environment, GE&R has successfully demonstrated that “no further action” alternatives or reduced remedial actions are necessary at a site.

Aquifer Test Analysis:
An aquifer test is a controlled field experiment to determine basic aquifer parameters in the vicinity of a pumping well and is a commonly used tool for characterizing systems of aquifers, low permeable layers, and flow boundaries.
GE&R’s team of hydrogeologist, geologists, and engineers design and conduct site specific aquifer tests and thorough evaluation of data in order to optimize remedial system performance and reduce remedial costs.
- Slug Test Analysis
- Step-drawdown Pump Test Analysis
- Tracer Testing
- Well Design Based on Potential/Anticipated Yields evaluating what monitoring stations are needed is no simple task. Factors that go into the decision include the area to be covered, the spatial variability of the targeted pollutants, the intended use of the data, the prevailing weather conditions, local topography, population centers, and the availability of resources, to name a few

Groundwater Flow Modeling:
Understanding groundwater flow in subsurface environments is a critical aspect of investigating and remediating releases of chemicals to aquifer systems. GE&R ‘s modelers develop two and three dimensional models to:
- Predict Hydrogeologic Systems
- Assess whether Specific Receptors May Be Affected
- Optimizing remedial system design parameters

Contaminant Fate & Transport Modeling:
GE&R’s cost-effective, scientifically defensible, and realistic assessments begin with the development of a conceptual site model, which often identifies the key pathways that require evaluation. Our experts subsequently build models that create “living” three-dimensional maps that simulate and animate groundwater and subsurface pollution data. In addition to allowing for easier visualization of subsurface conditions, groundwater movement, and contaminant fate and transport, GE&R’s fate and transport models also are used to:
- Estimate pumping effects on induced infiltration and surface water resources
- To estimate contaminant loading to aquifers and surface water
- To optimize groundwater remedial design